Thanks for your interest in our family run business! We carry the finest quality -World Famous- Tupelo Honey and and other regional gourmet honey varieties. We also offer other wonderful honey/beeswax related products that are very unique and unmatched in quality. We are always updating our selection and adding new products, so please check back often.
Please also try our gourmet pecans...fresh from Georgia! We own our own Pecan Farm and produce some of the finest tasting pecans imaginable!
10% Of All Profits Goes to Support Catholic Education!
Thanks again for your interest and support, we think you'll fall in love with our fine selection of honey, pecans and other tasty treats...and remember, 10% of all online website profits goes directly to help Catholic Education!
God bless you, and don't forget...Bee Holy!
Stay safe & "bee" well!
The Bond Family
Peter & Cathy, Gabriel, Eve, Joseph, Patrick, Blaise, Anastasia, Mary-Joy, Chiara, Emma & Ella
